Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Your Facebook Relationship Sttus: It's Complicated

I found this article when I was browsing looking for things to help my Arugumentative essay. I think it is very true that it makes things very complicated and that this article puts into writing that there are many people who do believe that the relationship is not legit or exclusive untill it is facebook official. I for one am one of those people. I took my relationship status off of Facebook to spare the feelings of an Ex but when your relationship is Facebook official it lets all the other girls that are creepin your bf/gf's page know that they are YOURS and that you are nott sharing. I feel like if you are not Facebook official you are hiding that person, because you are willing to put so much on facebook why hide them? My one exception is if I am actually hiding a girlfriend from my family. But even then I post that I am in a relationship and have that discution with my girlfriend.
Your Facebook Relationship Status: It's Complicated

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